Haha.... So I didn't think keeping a blog updated would be so hard. I am such a fickle person, to the point that basically if I have to set aside everything to do a certain task, that task will be on the back burner for a looooong time. Anyways, I figured I should give a quick catch up, even though I'm leaving out the bulk of things so this blog post doesn't turn into a novel.
I'm leaving for the annual Utah Theatre Association, AKA Theatre Conference, tomorrow. I've been able to go every year in high school (so far) and I love it so much! I owe it most of the credit for shoving me out of my awkward bubble. This year is special though. My wonderful drama instructor approached me and said she wants me to perform my "Gimme Gimme" piece from the fall musical. AH! That's a good two thousand people. I'm really excited, yet really, really, reeeeeaaaalllly nervous. But what an amazing opportunity! Not only that, but it's being hosted at BYU!!
Something else that is coming up is Junior Prom! This is MY year, and so that comes with the additional promenade that we've already started practicing. It took a few times to get the steps, but now I think I have it down for the most part (just the beginning steps) and I love it so much! My poor partner stepped on my too-long pants and totally ripped the hem with his foot, he felt so bad, but I laughed so hard at his mortified face and the fact that the pants were already ripped.
You may be wondering, "Don't you need a date for Prom?" You are correct! A good friend of mine filled the front half of my car with newspapers (so much that decluttering it in time for school was an impossible task) and taped "PROM?" to the windshield. Yay yay yay! I'm so excited. I stuck little notes that read "Yes!" all over his locker to answer.
Of course with Prom comes a Prom dress. I have had success with that department too! It's a gorgeous gown, with ruffles and sparkles (every girl's dream, right?).. It is strapless, but it was also too long so we're hemming the bottom and taking that fabric to make sleeves, thanks to my amazing aunt.
I'll add as I think of more, but really those are the two things most on my mind right now. Happy times! Good things are coming my way!