I finally got my departure date- August 16, and it is coming fast! For a while now I've been past the excited-giddy phase and sitting in the holy-crap-what-am-I-doing phase. It comes and goes, so "emotional rollercoaster" has a new meaning for me! Haha seriously though... One minute I'll start making squealy noises because I'm going to EUROPE!! And then 10 minutes later I'm overthinking everything and tears are streaming down my cheeks. (Not exaggerating at all lol).
27 DAYS...... WHAT. I definitely don't feel prepared.. Mostly because I'm not prepared! I've still got a ton of supplies to get together, but I think I'll be able to do it. I really need to start gathering all the stuff I need, because if I do what I usually do, I'll be scrambling around the night before trying to pack, and that would be pretty bad in this situation!
The hardest part for me right now is trying to comprehend what little time I have left at home. I'll miss Moab, but I really am ready to go. What I'm NOT ready for is all the goodbye's. Of course, my family will be here when I get home, but I've never been away from home for more than a week, so we'll see how that goes! I think I'm more nervous about saying goodbye to my friends though. I feel like I'm kissing my childhood goodbye (which is actually pretty true).. I don't know what I'm trying to say except that I know I'll be an emotional mess! Haha what's a girl to do without her best friend by her side? I wish I could bring a friend so I can maintain a little piece of my comfort zone, but it's probably better that I'm not. It's weird that all the guys will be gone when I get home! And that is going to be the hardest goodbye for me, I think. I know my family will always be there, and Sym will always be just a text away, but I don't know where I'm going to be in two years, and before I get melodramatic I'll just say that I really love all my friends and parting ways will be hard!
On a brighter side, the independent, ambitious, travel-hungry woman in me is jumping for joy! I don't know how long I've been dreaming to travel the world, but I do know it's been a long time. I remember being scared at one point that I would never be able travel because I don't have the money... But here I am! (Hey now, hey now- this is what dreamssss are made of!) I really think it was heaven-sent that I heard about ILP. So grateful for my life! I'm going to Europe!!!