My super duper awesome, sweet, loving parents allowed me and Sym to drive to Salina to meet Asia and Bonnie so we could tour Snow College together! Woohoo! We left around 5 am, which I was worried about because I'm not very good at getting up in the morning, but everything went perfectly. I feel like a real adult now, driving without my parents. (Haha). Anyways, it was so fun to see Asia and Bonnie!! It feels like they never left because I felt so comfortable, but then again it does feel like they left because I missed them so much!
Snow College was amazing. Asia nailed her theatre auditions, and then I found out that even if I didn't audition, I could still audition for their plays! We got a tour of their art department. Sym and Asia love it! I'm not going into art, but it was still a great tour. The campus is great! The more we looked around the more excited I got, so hopefully that's a good sign.
When we were about to part ways, Bonnie suddenly brought up that she'd be coming to Moab the next day. She literally said, "Go with them!", threw Asia's stuff out the window at her, and when Asia protested that she didn't have everything she needed, Bonnie said, "Love is all you need!" I LOVE Bonnie!! I had a mini excitement attack in the parking lot, and then Asia, Sym, and I drove home!! Girls' trips are so much fun. I'm looking forward to college with those two. We also decided to have a game night so everyone else could see Asia, and their reactions were so sweet (we didn't tell them Asia would be there)! That was such a fun weekend.
Today, I took the first part of my Math 1050 final. I don't really have high hopes for a good grade, and I'm also bidding my GPA a farewell... BUT, I realized that after tomorrow, I'm done with math!! Forever and ever and EVER.
Ok well, maybe not forever, but at least a year! Boom baby!
I just might get you a t-shirt that says "I survived math 1050" ;)