Friday, August 26, 2016

More Teaching

This week of teaching was just a lot of test runs and trials, which was fine. I'm really hoping I can catch on to the flow of teaching sooner than later. My lessons aren't so bad right now, I'm just hoping they can get much better! It's hard teaching right now because our classes are ridiculously small.. Their actual school doesn't start until September 1, so a lot of them are still on vacation.

Speaking of vacation, tomorrow we are going to Klaipeda!! I'm so excited to go swimming and exploring. We also went to the mall on Wednesday and I found an adorable dress, but decided not to get it. But then I thought about it so much I went back to the mall with Cameron to buy it! We tried some icecream, and it was SO GOOD! I can't even describe how creamy it was.

Rasa gave us our first vacation dates! We have next Thursday and Friday off, so we have already planned where we're going. I kind of want it to be a surprise, but then again I've already told a few people so I'll give you a hint. It's somewhere in France. ;)

My roommates! Waiting for the bus in the rain

Ice cream!!!!

One of my cute students! (Can't give out names)
Feel free to keep in touch, I'm available to Skype, too.... So um, hint hint. We got a lot of free time over here. Don't be shy.


  1. Haha free time!!! Why aren't you out exploring you nut! Thanks for the pictures! I felt you were lacking! ;) P.S. Don't forget Mom's birthday soon! I bet she would love a skype date!

  2. Oh my heck, I just looked at how far France is from Lithuania. Happy long travels!!
