Saturday, November 19, 2016

Hill of Crosses and 3 Month Mark

Hey!! Happy three month mark to us, and get ready because I'll be home in ONE MONTH! Crazy, I know. Speaking of which, we were originally going to fly home through Germany, Canada, and then SLC. Due to an unexpected change, we are now flying through Germany, San Francisco, and then SLC, AND we're getting home three hours sooner! I've never been to California, so this is exciting. Granted, it'll only be the airport, but shhhh. ;)

This past week and the week before have FLOWN. It is insane how fast time is going and while I'm anxious to see my family again, I'm not looking forward to leaving Lithuania. Their food is cheap and I like dat. I guess I like my students, too. Haha jk I looooove my students! They get so weirded out when I say "I love you!", but whatevs.

Yesterday, I said a Lithuanian word and they freaked! Pretty much have of the class was spent teaching me Lithuanian, no matter how hard I tried to persuade them to speak English. But ya know what? It was a Friday and I only have a month left so we had fun! They told me my name in Lithuanian is "Linna". I kinda like it!

Today Paris, Cameron, and I went to Hill of Crosses in Northern Lithuania. Unfortunately, our coordinator gave us the wrong directions so we got off the bus in the middle of nowhere. But because we are so lucky another bus came a few minutes later and we hopped on. It kinda felt like a "if you want something done right, do it yourself!" moment. Anyways, we made it to the city but decided to eat lunch first. The girls behind the counter did not speak a lick of English, so when I tried to order four chicken nuggets and a small fry, they gave me four orders of fries. That's a lot of fries! On the bright side, it was only 4 euro and it covered me for dinner.

The Hill of Crosses was tiny, but then we got up to it and it seemed endless. There are thousands upon thousands of crosses there, and I bought one to add. It had a small angel on it, so it kinda reminded me of Sabrina. It was definitely worth the day trip!

P.S. I finally tried borscht! 10/10. Would recommend.


He was teaching her pushups! #goals

Hill of Crosses

"Love the joy of faith"

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