Wednesday, January 25, 2017


And so the turntables... (That is an Office quote that makes me laugh everytime!!)

Ok, really this week has been awesome. On Monday, I got called in to substitute at the elementary cafeteria. I sorted pickles into dishes and cut apples before lunch. During lunch I served french fries, and after lunch I washed dishes. Usually I would hate that but the sanitizer/dishwasher was so fun for some reason haha. I was a machine in there, just pushing dishes in and stacking trays..

Anyways, after that I went to apply for another job (a more stable job). Turns out the receptionist there is someone I know! Her dad is the boss and she said she'd put in a good word for me. When I came back to drop off an application, she asked me to come in for training on Thursday! Woohoo!! So long days of unemployment and uncertainty! For better or for worse, I have a job (let's be real, I think it's for better.. I was going out of my mind).

The day I got hired or something like that, I was studying in Matthew where there's a huge storm on the sea and everyone is freaking out and when they wake Jesus, he says "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?". And I realized I had been the disciples who saw the tempest and forgot whose hands they're in. It's comforting to know that everything will be OK, because we are loved. "Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God?".

Also, I finished my mission papers so that made this week that much better!

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