Friday, November 6, 2015

International Language Program

Obviously I've always planned on going to college right after high school, because what else would I do? I am actually really excited for college. I'm just more excited for what I've chosen to do before college.

I'm not sure when it was.. Probably the beginning of October. I'd been seriously pondering what colleges I needed to apply to and focus on getting accepted into. I'd prayed and pondered and stressed for a while, when one day after seminary my friend caught up with me. She announced that she's not going to college next fall- she's going to teach underprivileged kids english! At first I thought, "Have fun with that.." But then she continued to explain that it's out of the country, it works like college, and how adorable the kids are. Slowly, I started to wonder if this was a possible choice. I'd been telling myself college was the only option for the next step in my life, but not going to college right off is not the equivalent of failure! (I've had to tell myself that many times...)

I decided to apply. The more I think about it, the more excited and happy and sure I get that this is such a wonderful choice for me! I'm going to Lithuania in Fall 2016 to teach kids english!! Sometimes I have my doubts because I think some people just think that I want to get out of college, or that I just want to travel (it is in my profile, like 5 times). And I won't lie, the traveling is a huge part of it, but teaching kids?! Not only that, but volunteering to teach kids. It warms my heart to think that I can help them! "...When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God." (Mosiah 2:17). Even if many people disagree, I know my Heavenly Father is happy for me and will support me. I am so excited!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Catcalled in Macy's

The only reason I'm posting this is because I'm still laughing days later.

So my mom, Eliza, and I went to Provo to shop for Becca's wedding this past weekend. Seriously, we shopped so much and I'm surprised I didn't drop! (Usually I can't shop for more than 2 hours without getting extremely tired). Becca and her fiancé came with us on Saturday so we could look for ties and accessories. We were all in Macy's looking for shoes, and at this point I was getting pretty bored. "Party in the USA" was playing over the speakers, so I started to dance.. maybe too noticeably to be acceptable in public. We started going down the escalator at the same time the chorus came on, so obviously I'm "moving my hips like yeah", when suddenly somebody yells something.. I turned and looked at Caleb and Becca (who are laughing), and then slowly looked up to a few floors above us, where this 30 year old looking guy is smiling at me. He yelled, "Don't stop!" and I'm thinking, "Yeah, right.". I told him I was done as my face caught fire and I awkwardly rode down the escalator, trying to hide my face. Turns out the first thing he yelled was, "Shake it!". Super. Awkward. Thus ends my jamming-in-public career.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Homecoming: Senior Year

It's so weird to think that this is my last year in high school! Last week was Homecoming, and of course it was super fun. There are five different competitions during this week: fence, trashcan, skit, float, and the spirit days. I think my grade did pretty well! We went for a "Thanks for the GRAND memories!" theme, and it worked! 
The three other grades left a ton of space on the fence, so our fence was not only huge but also looked really cool! So we won fence. The trashcan was probably my favorite that we've ever done in the past four years. We took second, but that's ok. Our entire grade's names were printed on the side of the trashcan, then the lid was covered in newspaper articles of the past years with our grade's accomplishments. I loved it so much (I almost cried haha)! Our skit was just not planned very well, so we took third.. Really it was just embarrassing to be up there with everyone staring blankly at you as they try to understand your skit. But our float won too!! It was an airplane that said "Soaring to Victory" on the side. 
For the parade, I rode with the soccer team on a fire truck. That's the first time I've gotten to do that and I loved it!! I love being a part of a team. The football game was also a victory! We played North Sevier and I'm pretty sure they got mercy ruled in the first quarter of the game. But football mercy rule is just when they let the clock run. We beat them 62-0, which is Sam Woodruff's number, a boy in my grade who passed away Freshman year. 
A good friend asked me to the dance, and I was pretty excited because I'd just planned on staying home and watching a movie! Sym had a volleyball game earlier that day, so I went to support her. I think I stayed a little too long though, because five minutes after I got home Cody drove up. At this point I had barely plugged in my straightener to START doing my hair, I had no make-up on, and I was in gym shorts and a tee shirt. Poor Cody!! I quickly opened the door, apologized, and sprinted downstairs to change. I threw on a dress, put on some heels, and sadly that's all I could do, because all my make-up and lotion is kept upstairs in the bathroom. So that's how I went to Homecoming- all natural! The date was still a blast. We doubled with Derek and Lily! First, we ate breakfast-for-dinner at the Diner. The dance didn't start until 7:00, and we got done eating at 6:20. Cody said he knew an awesome spot to watch the sunset, so we drove up the mountain! We missed the actual sunset by minutes, but it was still gorgeous (and freezing)! We all agreed that this had to be a tradition, so hopefully Derek and Cody get more guys involved so Lily and I can still be a part of it. The dance itself was alright, but Moab dances never had a great reputation anyway. We only made it to the last 40 minutes of the dance, so we didn't have to Cotton Eye Joe, or whip, or macarena, or any of those (overplayed) songs. After the dance, we went to a fire at Kenzie's house, and that was super fun!! It was definitely one of my favorite dates. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Missionary Moments

When I was hired at Burger King, I was actually offered another job elsewhere that I was a little more enthusiastic to accept. I prayed about it, and was a little surprised that I was told to accept the job at Burger King. The last thing I expected to happen here was so many missionary opportunities.

I think I've already said this in the last blog post, but it's so clear to me I'll just say it again! We (as Mormons) really do stand out from the world. All of the people I work with except one are not members. The first day I went in, I kept hearing, "You're so happy", "You don't smoke?! Good for you" and the most shocking to them, "No coffee?? Why not?". I didn't realize how different my standards are from their's.
My boss especially can't understand why I don't have a boyfriend. He's asked at least ten times if I do and why not. One time I tried to explain that dating steadily right now is not necessary and he could (or would) not see my point of view! I told him I date boys, just not one in particular. He asked how I was supposed to know who I want to marry, and I replied that I'll date steadily when I want to get married (which is obviously not right now). He just shook his head and muttered, "Your church is weird". I wanted to retort some sassy comment, but I just let it drop. We've had other discussions where he'll just tell me everything that's wrong with our church and I can't get a word in edgewise, and it's kinda clear to me that he does not want to listen, just to accuse.
Another one of my coworkers, Mook (she's from Thailand), asked what Mormons (Moor-mawns is how she pronounced it) are. I got so giddy inside! Haha so we talked a little about religion. She's buddhist but was very respectful about what I had to say, although maybe she just couldn't understand me... Anyways, she told me about her religion and we discussed God for a little while. Even if she wasn't interested in the church, I'm happy that I was able to explain what "Mormons" are.

Just looking at all the people I work with, I can see how the gospel makes us happier. They have hard lives. Just hearing them all talk about their pasts makes my life sound like heaven (I have no idea how to even describe it). A lot of their problems though have come from their personal choices, and it's made me appreciate even more the commandments that we've been given, because they really are guidelines to the happiest life we can have.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Girls' Camp & Employment!!!

Yay for Girls' Camp! I went with an attitude of being an example to the younger girls and teaching them, but you can guess that they totally were shining examples to me. Wow. 4th ward has the best girls ever! They are kind, accepting, fun, funny, crazy, and all the while being righteous daughters of God.
This was my last year, and I admit before camp I was just looking forward to being done. But on the last day I was a heap of emotions, and I think a few of the younger girls were a little freaked out... Haha! I've loved all my years at Girls' Camp, and even though I couldn't tell then, I see now how it strengthened my testimony and helped me grow into the person I am today. My leaders said I could go back next year, but I think those six years are what I needed and now I can move on.

For some reason, finding a job this summer has proved to be a very difficult task. For a while I felt like I was in a giant game of musical chairs and I was the kid who couldn't find a chair to sit in. Everyone time I talked to someone about it, they'd say how many people were hiring, and I'd just think ,"TELL ME WHO IS HIRING!". I prayed and searched and prayed some more, then had a few pity parties and stressed over why I was incapable of finding a stinking job. This is Moab! Jobs are everywhere!!
Also, most restaurant owners wouldn't hire me because of my inexperience with restaurants. Really?? I have to start somewhere! I was frustrated with them because they wouldn't even give me a chance. Finally though, I convinced someone to hire me. He was a little reluctant, probably because I refuse to work Sundays, my lack of restaurant experience, and because I was taking off a lot of work, and I might not work into the school year, so I'll only be working a month or so. He said he'd call me on Wednesday.
Well, Wednesday came and went. I was so discouraged! I thought my job-search was over, but apparently not.. I said a lot of prayers, begging for patience and understanding, and even asking if I was even meant to have a job this summer. The manager called on Friday!!! I started work that day. Honestly, even if it's a fast food place and there's rumors about the staff, I love it! The people are so nice and somehow a few of them spot on guessed my religion (good sign?). I even met a few super cute french guys, so that's a definite plus.
All in all, I am so grateful that I finally have a job. Looking at what I had to do to get this job, I realize what I can now do fearlessly! Asking for applications and talking to managers was terrifying, but now I know what to do and so on...
Yay for employment!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

River Trip & Girls' State

Summer vacation has finally made it!! For my lovely friend's birthday we all went on a rafting trip. This is definitely the longest I've been on, and only the third. I had so much fun though! Just being outside for a change and being with all my friends was the best possible way to start the next two and a half months. I even tanned.... Which was a bonus because I did not think that was possible! 

I also had Girls' State, which is a week long "conference", just for girls (duh), that is all about our nation's flag, government, and service men/women. I admit I was super nervous that I would hate the whole week and wish to be home the whole time. Being away for six precious days of summer didn't sound worth it at the time...
I'm back from Girls' State now. I loved it so much! I've made new friends that I know will last a lifetime. They were the cutest people and so kind, fun, funny, and intelligent beyond words. Just thinking about it I want to go back and be with them for another week! Besides the girls, the entire program was remarkable. Governor Herbert, Lt. Governor Cox, Holly Richardson (she has 24 kids!!!), and Chris Stewart (favorite author!) all spoke to us. They are such amazing people. I actually know what the government does now... Such as the caucus system. We had a retirement of the flag ceremony. It was such a reverent atmosphere, and even more so being with a group of people who all have passion for America. 
I went to Girls' State caring about our country just because.. It's our country. I came home with a deep testimony that this nation is God-given, and gratitude for all of the veterans who did serve or are serving right now. I think I cried every time we sang "God Bless America". 

I can't even convey how much I love our nation now! It really was given to us by God. 

Monday, May 11, 2015


I found a note in my scriptures from Freshman year (I forget the scripture reference) that says Spiritually Minded Is Life Eternal. Hence S.M.I.L.E. And that's been popping into my head lately!

I ran for student government a week or so ago, and I had prayed that either I would win or have the perspective to know that God has another plan for me. I did lose, but I was blessed with the comfort that God does have a plan for me, and obviously it was not Senior Class President. I think the worst part about losing (unless you are devastated) is all the pitiful glances people give you. Sheesh!
Anyways, I knew I would have just as many opportunities without being president next year, so I made a plan to get more involved. Apparently it's working, because I was voted as the Honor Society and Drama club president! Woohoo! I'm super stoked and that just goes to show that the Lord knows what will happen, and we don't.

I think my point is that we'll find greater blessings when we trust in the Lord instead of giving up after one setback. I'm not saying that this kind of thing will always happen, because sometimes we will just have trials. This reminds me of a scripture! D&C 122:7 "...these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good".

2 Nephi 9:39 "...Remember, to be carnally-minded is death, and to be Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal".

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ

This year in seminary we've been studying the Doctrine & Covenants, so I unintentionally put my B.O.M. study on the back burner. I've always been advised to continuously study The Book of Mormon, even though that's not what we're focusing on this year, but I wasn't really prioritizing it. And besides, I was "too busy" to add another thing to my schedule.

I figured since I still studied the scriptures daily that I was covered. Last Sunday, however, we discussed the importance of studying the Book of Mormon always. I can't remember the exact quote by Pres. Benson, but it went along the lines of, "There is a certain power that will flow into our lives if we make an effort to study the Book of Mormon daily". I've read it a few times already, but not exactly in a way that would show I'm yearning to know the truth of it.
Even though I don't think my leader intended to guilt trip us all, I knew I needed to make studying The Book of Mormon a much, much higher priority in my life.

This is the first time that I've read The Book of Mormon with true intention, seeking to know if it's true or not. I think the Lord knows that too, because even though I'm not even past the first book of Nephi, I can testify that it is the word of God. Of course, I knew it was true before, but now I am absolutely, without-a-doubt, certain that all the prophets, prophecies, and doctrines in that book are true.

10 And now, my beloved brethren, and also Jew , and all ye ends of the earth, hearken unto these words and believe in Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ. And if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words , for they are the words of Christ, and he hath... 
11 And if they are not the words of Christ, judge ye—for Christ will show unto you, with power and great glory , that they are his words, at the last day; and you and I shall stand face to face before his bar; and ye shall know that I have been commanded of him to write these things,... (2 Nephi 33:10-11) 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring Break #2k15

Spring Break is a curse, and a blessing. In one way, it is a glorious relaxation period that I'm sure if I didn't have I would not make it to the end of the school year. On the other hand, it's like a taste of summer, and now I have to go back to school for two more months. I'm so excited for this school year to be over! (Even though it has been pretty great).

I didn't travel anywhere, but I was happy about that because I've been traveling too much for my taste! Not to mention all my friends stayed in town, so I got extra time hanging out with them. We attempted swimming at Ken's Puddle Lake a few times... That idea was not the best, but we got a good laugh watching each other squeal (maybe that was mostly me squealing, haha).

I hiked right up to Delicate Arch for the first time (or the first time I can remember-- my mom tells me otherwise)! My friends and I decided to do it as a sunrise hike, but apparently my body did not appreciate that decision because I was hindered by my pathetic health halfway through. One friend stayed behind with me and somehow got me to hike the rest of the way. I was very grateful, but I've also decided to never hike with my flippin' fit friends ever again!

My lady friends and I finally had a girls' night for the first time in months, which I admit is my fault. But we had fun, me laying on the couch while they gave each other jedi braids. It's funny that we were completely content that way, just talking about pointless stuff! I am regretting not getting a jedi braid though..

I also learned that I'm not very good at comforting people. My friend had a really rough end to their weekend, and as they were crying I just sat there awkwardly... I thought I would know what to say when this moment came, but obviously not!! I patted their arm timidly, but on the inside I was frantically trying to think of something to say. Luckily our other friend joined us and she's much better at comforting than I am. And we got ice cream from another friend, so hopefully that made up for what I was lacking. ;)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


This last Saturday, I had the opportunity to go to Prom! Not just any Prom, though-- Junior Prom. My class did Promenade, and that may have been my favorite part of the entire day (no offense to anyone).

I'll be honest though- and for anyone who has yet to go on a Prom date- do NOT go with someone who is a) your complete opposite, or b) someone you know spending an entire day with them will get old.  I'm familiar with the term "Opposites attract", but really you're going to want to have something in common! My date and I, though we are close friends, have absolutely nothing in common. I didn't even notice until we were on the date and I had absolutely nothing to say. We don't listen to the same music (I don't even think he listens to music), our senses of humor are different, he likes to climb stuff, I'm fine staying on the ground, and I'm so independent that he didn't even try to keep up with me on our hike! I love the guy, but really by the end of the day I was ready to be done.

Not to mention that the guy I had really, really wanted to ask me but hadn't was having a grand time with his date. I was happy for him (and her), but I couldn't help but wonder what my day would've been like had he asked me. I'm horrible, I know and I should be grateful I had a date! Don't worry- I am. I really am, but I think I'd spent a lot of energy dreaming up the perfect date with my choice of guy and it just didn't go how I planned.

Despite all the imperfections, I'm satisfied with very fond memories and of course I enjoyed feeling like a princess for a night!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

There's Always Good

Sometimes I just randomly get overwhelmed with the "evil" in the world. It's hard to stand up for your beliefs, especially when you're in the minority. But then I remember that's just it: we're the minority, not alone. Yesterday I had a wonderful opportunity to spend time with my friends, and I am so blessed with the friends I have!! We gathered together to watch God's Not Dead. I get spiritual thought texts from multiple friends all the time, and we support each other in matters of the gospel. If one friend wasn't notified about a get-together, we load up a car and go get them! There are good people in the world, and I think it's on of the Lord's tender mercies that I am friends with so many of them. I know I'm never alone, because my friends are so stinkin' awesome and love the gospel! More importantly, the Lord is always with me. So I just want to testify that being in the minority is not being alone. There will always be good, we just have to be the good and group together!

On another tangent of being overwhelmed, sometimes I just feel like we'll always be facing evil and we will always be mocked for living the way we do. But we won't! That is one of the biggest thing that brings hope to me. Someday, there will be peace, and happiness, and NO evil! All of our trials will be worth it. I love the gospel!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Time flies!

Haha.... So I didn't think keeping a blog updated would be so hard. I am such a fickle person, to the point that basically if I have to set aside everything to do a certain task, that task will be on the back burner for a looooong time. Anyways, I figured I should give a quick catch up, even though I'm leaving out the bulk of things so this blog post doesn't turn into a novel.

I'm leaving for the annual Utah Theatre Association, AKA Theatre Conference, tomorrow. I've been able to go every year in high school (so far) and I love it so much! I owe it most of the credit for shoving me out of my awkward bubble. This year is special though. My wonderful drama instructor approached me and said she wants me to perform my "Gimme Gimme" piece from the fall musical. AH! That's a good two thousand people. I'm really excited, yet really, really, reeeeeaaaalllly nervous. But what an amazing opportunity! Not only that, but it's being hosted at BYU!!

Something else that is coming up is Junior Prom! This is MY year, and so that comes with the additional promenade that we've already started practicing. It took a few times to get the steps, but now I think I have it down for the most part (just the beginning steps) and I love it so much! My poor partner stepped on my too-long pants and totally ripped the hem with his foot, he felt so bad, but I laughed so hard at his mortified face and the fact that the pants were already ripped.
You may be wondering, "Don't you need a date for Prom?" You are correct! A good friend of mine filled the front half of my car with newspapers (so much that decluttering it in time for school was an impossible task) and taped "PROM?" to the windshield. Yay yay yay! I'm so excited. I stuck little notes that read "Yes!" all over his locker to answer.
Of course with Prom comes a Prom dress. I have had success with that department too! It's a gorgeous gown, with ruffles and sparkles (every girl's dream, right?).. It is strapless, but it was also too long so we're hemming the bottom and taking that fabric to make sleeves, thanks to my amazing aunt.

I'll add as I think of more, but really those are the two things most on my mind right now. Happy times! Good things are coming my way!