Sunday, February 1, 2015

There's Always Good

Sometimes I just randomly get overwhelmed with the "evil" in the world. It's hard to stand up for your beliefs, especially when you're in the minority. But then I remember that's just it: we're the minority, not alone. Yesterday I had a wonderful opportunity to spend time with my friends, and I am so blessed with the friends I have!! We gathered together to watch God's Not Dead. I get spiritual thought texts from multiple friends all the time, and we support each other in matters of the gospel. If one friend wasn't notified about a get-together, we load up a car and go get them! There are good people in the world, and I think it's on of the Lord's tender mercies that I am friends with so many of them. I know I'm never alone, because my friends are so stinkin' awesome and love the gospel! More importantly, the Lord is always with me. So I just want to testify that being in the minority is not being alone. There will always be good, we just have to be the good and group together!

On another tangent of being overwhelmed, sometimes I just feel like we'll always be facing evil and we will always be mocked for living the way we do. But we won't! That is one of the biggest thing that brings hope to me. Someday, there will be peace, and happiness, and NO evil! All of our trials will be worth it. I love the gospel!