Monday, November 24, 2014

Moving On, and Giving Back

When a woman gives birth to a child, she may experience postpartum depression. That's how I feel, except I "gave birth" to a play. 

Ok, so that was definitely a weird analogy, but I'm truly longing to go back even a week just to spend time with amazing people! Only true thespians know what this horrible sensation is. I have no idea what to do with my time now... There's so much of it! I could get a job, join debate, take time to actually do homework.... Pfft- who am I kidding? No I won't! 

I was reading the Ensign today in Chemistry, and I focused on Elder Klebingat's "Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence". He talked about taking care of ourselves physically along with spiritually. That really struck me, because let's be honest- I don't give exercise the time of day! He spoke of feeling better about ourselves as we take care of our personal temples. So I exercised today! Holy cow it's been waaaaaaaaaay too long. I did an abs workout, and the whole time the guy on the video was nonchalantly talking as if this was a workout for toddler's. The thing I found funniest was, "The best thing about this workout, is that it works and it is fun!" Please. I beg to differ as I lay on the ground moaning in pain. But I did it! After that I decided a walk would be nice. As I walked, it literally made me sad to see all the trash on the side of the road and bingo! I had an idea. 

I've been praying for my eyes to be opened to service opportunities, and I have been struggling to seek amidst my horrible attention span, but who knew I would find inspiration and I took a walk?! Craziness. It's like getting rewarded for bettering myself. Well, thank you God! I've decided to do a 25 days of CHRISTmas, by giving back to Him! And what a better way to start then by cleaning up the earth. Hopefully, I will stick to this plan. I love serving, and it's a perfect way to show my love for Christ! 

Not to mention.... THANKSGIVING!!! 


  1. Oh gosh I love you! I was going to workout today too with all my free time... but HA ya right!!

  2. I know I'm gonna like reading your blog!
