Friday, December 30, 2016

Pity Party

This week has been a series of saying goodbye to my friends, either leaving for college or going on missions. Frankly I've been having a pity party for the majority of every day since Tuesday. I know, it's pathetic (and dramatic haha).

One of the things I've learned about myself is that I love planning. I love the feeling of making and having a plan that I made myself and fits with what I want to do. And I plan ahead. Waaaaay way way ahead. Like, I'll have a Christmas list ready by June and my birthday party planned six months in advance haha. What I'm saying is it's all I can do to not plan two years in advance when all my friends will come home from their missions. 
Maybe a good resolution for this next year will be to live in (and enjoy) the present. 

Anyways, I was in the midst of my pity party this week when I realized that I'm being ridiculous... Here I am, just back from four months in Europe and moping because all of my friends are serving the Lord. Or at college. 
There was a moment when I thought, "You planned it this way! Now do something with yourself". Haha ok this whole post is a jumble of thoughts so, the point: I have started making a plan. 

First, I had to wrap up a bunch of stuff from my semester abroad, such as: cancelling my card and phone plan. Second, I scheduled a bunch of appointments for my mission papers, which felt really nice (although now all I can do is wait and it's killing me haha). 
After that was taken care of, I planned things to fill up my time because I have too much! Haha I'm applying for a job tomorrow and in the meantime I've started reading the Book of Mormon in French and playing hymns on guitar. Hopefully every day brings a new opportunity to keep me busy... 

If anyone needs me, I will be living in my parents basement. Ha! Not for long, though... *fingers crossed*

Happy New Year!! 2017 is gonna be a good one... I just know it.. Mostly because It's my birth date: 2/17. Aw yeah! 

1 comment:

  1. It's so sad that we live together and I didn't know you were having a pity party. You hide it so well. I just thought you liked reading your books and cleaning your room and didn't want to invade your space. Love you ❤
